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Boy Scout Troop 271
(Lafayette, Colorado)
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Eagle Scouts

Completing at least 21 Merit Badges and a major project is no small feat.

This page is dedicated to an exclusive group of Scouts...those that have earned the rank of Eagle.

June 23, 2016 - Eagle Scout #1 - Michael M.


Michael's Eagle Project was to make an artificial reef habitat for Waneka Lake in Lafayette, Colorado.  He did this by collecting 120 cinder blocks and a mile of miscellaneous PVC pipe.  The pipe was cut to various lengths and then placed into each hole of the cinder block after pouring concrete into each.

The knot in Michaels neckerchief is a friendship knot that he learned by attending the 2015 World Jamboree!

December 2017 - Eagle Scout #3 - Luc S.

2017 - Eagle Scout #2 - Will M.